Mrs. Sharpe's Grade 5/6 Class

Hillsdale Elementary School

Welcome Back!


I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday with your family and are off to a wonderful start for 2017! We have had a few snow days this week which has altered some programming, however students seem eager to be back and working hard towards task completion!

We will be moving into developing the presentation (good copy) for the Biome Report tomorrow and that will be the focus in Science for this month! Students worked hard over the holidays to complete their research jot notes, so they are all set for the paragraph writing into presentation format.

Tomorrow we will be in the library for Social Studies, where students will choose their topic for our Social Studies inquiry project that they will start to research. We have been working hard to establish an understanding of the historical content needed to begin the inquiry process.

In Language students will be starting to work on an 8 box task along with a variety of other comprehension tasks, that will focus on the text they have chosen. Students were informed prior to break, to read or bring in a book that they have recently read at their reading level, to use for this reading task. In Writing, we have been learning about TED talks, which will take place this year instead of speeches. We are doing some tasks that will help ensure understanding of this style, prior to writing. Reading assessments were sent home today for the City of Ember. I have asked that students reflect positively towards their work and assessment, focusing with a growth mindset. Please sign and return!

In Math we are continuing on with our unit on Measurement, focusing on the concept of Area right now. Students have been working hard towards refreshing their skills from all strands with the continuation of the 180 Days of Math program.

Our trip to Kandalore in quickly approaching and another form and packing information sheet will be sent home tomorrow (Friday, January, 13). Please review, sign and return by the outlined date.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! Thank you for your support!


Mrs. Sharpe 🙂


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3 Comments to

“Welcome Back!”

  1. January 18th, 2017 at 8:15 pm       Kim Says:

    The Kandalore consent forms that Carson brought home have the October dates on them. Is there an updated consent form?


  2. January 18th, 2017 at 8:54 pm       lsharpe Says:

    Hello! Those were the original forms that the students had brought back in the Fall. We have not sent out a new form regarding consent, those were just sent out to students that needed them signed and returned. We just kept it the same as we did not change it with the other students. We did not want to cause any confusion with all the forms that were coming home this week and ones that had been sent home/returned in the Fall…there are quite a few! The only thing different would be the change of dates on the consent form. We have sent home a new form regarding the Winter packing list and a changes to risks involved with the Winter activities. So just send back all of the forms that need to be signed and we will be all set for our adventure! I hope this apologies for any confusion!

  3. January 18th, 2017 at 9:01 pm       Kim Says:

    Could you please tell me the new dates again.

    Also, not sure if I am missing your email address on the blog somewhere but could I please get it so I can email you.


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